NAME: Nikaan Matthew
I am a 20 year old student who currently studies Law with Business at Bangor University in North Wales. I grew up in Nottingham, United Kingdom and began writing poetry at the age of 17. At the moment I tend to write around the subject of love and passion but in the future I do hope to be able to expand my subject matter. I never write my poetry on paper and only ever use my laptop to write, whenever I try to write using paper my mind goes blank so I've stopped trying. In the future I hope to publish a collection of poetry entitled 'Droplets of Sunshine' sometime in the future, as well as writing a television sitcom and a fantasy novel, but for now I am just enjoying writing my poetry.
Short Paragraph about the art I do: My art is poetry. Most of my poetry tends to revolve around the themes of love and the different ways in which it can be viewed. When writing I try not to overload on description as I believe that if you let the readers imagination create the images in their head then the poem can have a longer lasting effect. Therefore simplicity is always at the core of everything I write, however I always try to move the reader in a way that they have never felt before.
Contact email: nikaanm@yahoo.co.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/nikaan.matthew1
Education: Currently studying Law with Business at Bangor University.
Likes: Comedy Shows, Films, Football, Liverpool FC, Eating.
Dislikes: Moths!!!
Status: Single (I know you're wondering, 'how!?')
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