Name: Cynthia (cina) Pelayo
Cynthia (cina) Pelayo grew up in a haunted house and so it seemed natural that her lifelong interests would be dusted with a hint of the macabre.
A former journalist, she now devotes her creative time to researching and writing supernatural tales of horror ingrained in Latin American folklore.
She holds degrees in journalism, marketing, and most recently completed a Masters of Fine Arts in Writing where she refined her interests through coursework in detective fiction, Grimm’s fairy tales and her own personal interest in horror.
Her writing is a genre-bend of mystery, horror and detective fiction, based heavily in Latin American myth, folklore and superstition.
I am also an editor and a blogger for supernatural horror publisher Burial Day – www.burialday.com
Education: Bachelors of Arts in Journalism, Masters of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication, and recently completed a Masters of Fine Art in Writing (with a minor in morbidity)
Likes: Bats, Ravens, Crows (I have a thing for black winged animals), Victorian mansions, haunted houses, myths, folklore, superstitions, fairy tales, cemeteries, and whiskey
Dislikes: Daylight, bright and shiny things such as rainbows and unicorns
Status: Was rescued from a dark tower several years ago by a black bearded man and so for his trouble I married him.
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