Name: Benjamin F Jones
Benjamin F Jones is a writer working in South Wales. He
loves pizza, photography and moist clay. When it rains he catches drops in his
open mouth. He creates prose poetry, flash, absurdist snapshots and humorous
fiction. He spends some time clearing up after a small girl and selling screws.
Photography is his hobby but writing is his passion.
I love writing which carries
language into places it hasn’t been before. I like absurd ideas, which is
probably one of the reasons I enjoy writing prose poetry. Prose poems and flash
have a freedom that allows them to take flight. I love their ability to
encapsulate a whole world in less than 500 words. I have experimented with
cut-up but as my writing matures I find my work is more about communication. My
earlier works were like puzzles that needed to be solved – now I have a need to
connect emotionally with the reader.
I am currently working on a
series of prose poems about my experiences as a full-time father in the
Rhondda. These pieces will form a portfolio which I hope will get me into
university to study prose poetry at MPhil level. I hope this qualification will
enhance my career as a writer and enable me to teach creative writing. I would
love to hear from anyone passionate about prose poetry, flash or writing in
My creative writing blog can be
found at www.graphitebunny.wordpress. com
My photography can be viewed at http://emergentpixie. deviantart.com/
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