Name: Caitlin Hoffman
Aka: Taylor Adams (my alter ego- she co-edits Visceral Uterus, an e-zine)
Caitlin is bad at writing bios. She has written four novels, none of which are published, all of which are in dire need of editing. Aside from that, she tries to live as best she can but fears she's not very good at it.
My writing isn't so much an art as it is emotional regurgitation on paper. I can't be sure where the inspiration comes from, but often I feel I'm channelling a force that's beyond my understanding.
Through written word, I long to connect with my reader. I want to reach an area of their soul that was previously unknown to them. Make them feel something- maybe even make them feel better. I don't want to distract people from their problems with petty escapism. Rather, I'd like to commiserate with them through my words. If they're in pain or choking on self-disgust, if they're sufferring but don't have the words to explain it, I'd like to say it for them.
Email address: caitlinhoffman@rocketmail.com
Twitter: @CHWrite
Education: An utter lack thereof.
Likes: Veganism, pigs, puppies, depravity, imagination, psychedelics, Martin Millar, Tennessee Williams, Virginia Woolf, Hunter S. Thompson, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Katherine Dunn, music (especially punk, nu metal, indie, and opera), creating, trying, loving, orgasms, dreams, epiphanies, scars, tattoos, feminism, art, alternative subculture studies, nude photography, and impulses.
Dislikes: Bullies, judgement, animal abuse, floods, robberies, rape, overdoses, racism, sexism, homophobia, disparity of wealth, destroying, failing, hate, blue balls, nightmares, self-deprecation/self-loathing, eating disorders, botched tattoos, corporate art/music, needless censorship, and consequences.
Status: Forever in love; Confused (and not just because I'm bisexual)
Anything else:
I'm baffled, honoured and elated that anyone bothered to read this far. Thank you for collecting facts on a largely unimportant person!
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