Name: Tyler James Gates
Tyler Gates exists barely in small town rural Midwest. His life is dotted with violent encounters with hillbillies, night jobs, alcohol binges, gas station explosions, and the occasional cult abduction. Besides pretending to be a writer he occupies his time with bouts of extreme paranoia and competition vomiting. Tyler is currently working on several novels about nothing and one about everything else.
Like almost everyone who dabbles in writing I have experimented with many forms and outlets over the years trying to find my medium. I can't say I've perfected my craft but I can say I've learned one thing; writing should be fierce, mean, unscripted, spontaneous, and personal. Besides several larger writing projects I have reluctantly taken on I most often enjoy writing flash fiction and short stories. With as busy as the world seems to have gotten it's great to be able to reach people; even if its just briefly. You can chew me out at gatestylerj@gmail.com.
Here is a bit of my more recently published work:
Small Town Blues @ Paragraph Line
Something Lost @ In between Altered States
Education: Enough college to never want to go back.
Likes: Swedish Techno, nude body painting, substance abuse, waterphones, Sun- Tzu's The Art of War, unlicensed firearms, strippers, happy hour.
Dislikes: People who pretend to care; whatever it may be.
Relationship Status: Stalked.
Anything else: I expected times like these I just never thought they'd be so bad, so long, and so frequent.
Amazing writing, Tyler! Proud of you!
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