Name: LaVa Payne
LaVa resides in the Piney Woods of East Texas writing stories and poetry. Among her hobbies she enjoys exploring WPA structures (railroads, bridges etc.) and old sawmill towns. Her small cottage is surrounded with lovely vines and flowers, shrubs and all matters botanical. And even in the corners of her garden the likes of rabbits, raccoons, oppossums, owls and birds of all feathers make regular visits. She especially enjoys the migration of the hummingbirds.
LaVa primarily writes fiction short-stories. She also writes poetry, novellas, and is working on her novel Jambonzee. Her inspirations usually are derived out of thin air, but her ear for dialogue has made her work humorous. LaVa is experimenting with other forms of new age writing including "tweets."
Publishing credits:
Black and White--on Daily Love.com June 11, 2011.
Weird Ways on Wagon Creek--on Yahoo May 17, 2011 http://www.associatedcontent. com/article/8058335/weird_ ways_on_wagon_creek.html
Spanish Daggers--on Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers April 22, 2011.
Sold!--on The Fringe April 17, 2011.
The Sleep Birth--on SNM Horror Magazine December 2010.
Lava may be contacted via her facebook page at LaVa Payne or lavmpayne@gmail.com.
Education: BS; MA
Likes: Reading, gardening, exploring, coffee, learning and painting
Dislikes: Professional wrestling and soap operas.
Status: Permanently attached
Anything else: Mark Twain once wrote that "When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction." I would have to say the same.
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