A New Englander by upbringing and inclination, Kenneth Weene is a teacher, psychologist, and pastoral counselor by education. He is a writer by passion. Ken’s poetry has appeared in numerous publications – most recently featured in Sol and publication in Spirits, Palo Verde Pages, Vox Poetica and Clutching at Straws. An anthology of his writings, Songs for my Father, was published by Inkwell Productions in 2002. Ken’s short stories have appeared in many places, including Legendary, Sex and Murder Magazine, The New Flesh Magazine, The Santa Fe Literary Review, Daily Flashes of Erotica Quarterly, Bewildering Stories and A Word With You Press. In 2009 Ken’s novel, Widow’s Walk, was published and in 2010 a second novel, Memoirs From the Asylum, both by All Things That Matter Press.
My writing is a combination of super-realism and literary fiction. It is typically character driven and with great attention paid to the sound of language.
I'm available on most of the social media, but particularly on FaceBook - just look for Kenneth Weene; I'm the only one.
I have two more novels ready to go to the publisher and another under way. Writing has become a way of life.
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