T. Gene Davis

Name: T. Gene Davis

T. Gene Davis is an author. He has played at managing businesses, software engineering, graphic design and other utility paying endeavors, ... but only when he’s not writing. He has a smattering of published articles, stories, poetry, and books spanning the 1990’s to present.

When pursuing his craft, T. Gene Davis looks for powerful writing and studies the styles of masters. For inspiration, he looks at the classics, and finds the stories and tales that inspired them. For themes when writing, he looks to current events and technological breakthroughs.

Education: Bachelor of Arts in English

Likes: Attending folk music festivals, reading anything by Neil Gaiman, celebrating all the Autumn holidays with family and friends

Dislikes: Wasting time without a book (If he has a book, then it’s all good.)


Twitter: @TGeneDavis

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