Name: K.W. Taylor
AKA: Always published under the above (slight pen name; full name is Kathleen W. Taylor Kollman, but I began publishing before legally taking married surname; I never use full name in conjunction with my publication credits)
K.W. Taylor has been publishing fiction and non-fiction for ten years. Her work has been featured in many print and web publications, most recently Quarterlife Quarterly, Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine, Iron Bound, Theory Train, and Aoife’s Kiss Magazine. Her first novella, “We Shadows Have Offended,” was released by Etopia Press in October, and she has a short story appearing in the upcoming Wicked East Press anthology Once Bitten, Never Die. She is the creator of the Dayton Flash Fiction Slam, which she hopes to begin hosting in early 2012. Taylor also teaches college English and writes about herself in the third person.
I write fiction of all lengths and genres, but primarily in the speculative fiction realms (science fiction, fantasy, and horror). I write every day and find that’s the secret to how many pieces I’ve been able to release over a relatively short amount of time. Thematically, I try to show strong female characters in my work. My short fiction is usually much darker than the longer pieces I write. I have four novels in progress and all of them have a comedic slant to them, whereas most of my short fiction is fairly bleak.
Contact Email address:
Contact Email address:
Twitter, facebook, friendster, myspace etc. info:
Twitter: @kwtaylorwriter
Facebook: kwtaylorwriter
BA in Communication with concentration in Electronic Media from the University of Dayton (1997)
MA in English from Wright State University (2003)
Victoriana, steampunk, cats, coffee, wine, knitting, yoga, running, Doctor Who, board games, hiking, historic home preservation, podcasts
Winter, reality shows, people who don’t understand my sense of humor
Married to an extremely tall comic book nerd, with whom I parent a 15-year-old calico catStatus:
Anything else:
I get unduly excited by the opening of tiny, locally-owned restaurants.
Five links to samples of my work online:
- “The Death of Ed Goshi,” in Aphelion magazine <http://www.aphelion-webzine.
com/shorts/2010/11/ TheDeathofEdGoshi.html> - “Arcus Senilis,” in Scribal Tales magazine <
apr11_arcus_senilis.html> - “But I Love Her,” in The Fringe magazine <http://thefringemagazine. but-i-love-her-by-kw-taylor. html> - “Choleric,” in Quarterlife Quarterly <http://quarterlifequarterly.
org/choleric/> - Links to complete bibliography at <>