Jack Caseros


Name: Jack Caseros

Jack Caseros is an ecologist who tells people at bars that he’s a writer. Then he says something clever, like, “I see poetry everywhere.” Which is, unfortunately, true. He currently resides in midwestern Canada. His first novel, Onwards & Outwards, is available as an e-book at most major online retailers.

Jack has also constructed an indie publishing organization, Kaleidoscope Reality. You can find more about Jack and Kaleidoscope Reality at:

 Jack Caseros is the son of an Argentine and a Canadian, and this dual identity features strongly in his works—not explicitly, of course, because that would be boring. Jack’s work is rooted in the Hindu proverb “Unity in variety is the plan of creation.” Jack believes art is a mirror, and that this mirror is useful in conveying the spectrum of consciousness. But then again, Jack writes because he just loves it.

Some of Jack Caseros’ recently published works:

“Onwards & Outwards” (Kaleidoscope Reality:

“Halfsies: An Essay on Canadian Identity by a Non-Canadian Canadian” (steelbananas:

“positive space negative” (Eunoia Review:

"On Behalf of Every Writer Who Has Taken Inspiration From a Living Muse / On Behalf of Every Person Who Has Appeared, In Part or In Full, As a Character in a Piece of Literature" (Linguistic Erosion:

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