Kayla Bashe

Name: Kayla Bashe

My first story was a fanfiction crossover between My Little Pony and Veggie Tales. I was three years old at the time.

I had no idea how the spacebar worked.

Fortunately, my knowledge of computers, typing, spelling, and grammar has vastly improved since then. I learned to read a few weeks before I learned to write, and participated in my first theatrical production shortly afterward. Since then, I've written four novellas, collected an entire wall of books, held a staged reading of a full-length steampunk play I wrote, and choreographed a solo performance piece. I recently attended the Alpha Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Workshop for Young Writers.

Currently, I share an infuriatingly large house with my mother, my father, and an endearing Cockapoo. When I grow up, I want to keep a rescued chicken in my apartment, write strong female characters to inspire young girls, grow my own lavender, take eight dance classes in a row, couch-surf across the United States, travel the world, and always talk to strangers.

Three spiders live in my tub.

My first novel, Kitty Cadawell and the Shadowslayers of Fyrn:

A flash fiction piece:

Contact Email address:


Education: The New School of Montmouth County; currently somewhat homeschooled.

Likes: The theatre. Collecting butterfly-decorated notebooks. Modern art made from tangled yarn. Sculpture gardens and Sculpey clay. Filling the aformentioned notebooks. Savasana, also known as Corpse Pose. Fresh-baked lemon bars. Blasting Bollywood music at 5 AM. Contemporary dance and improvised ballets. Trilogies; quartets. Tango dresses. Red jazz shoes. Long jog/runs. Books by Kelly Link, Sherwood Smith, Tamora Pierce, and Francesca Lia Block. NaNoWriMo. Biographies of courtesans. Anything glittering.

Dislikes: Boredom. Cubicles. People who don't empty their penny-filled pockets to the dog-owning homeless, or who won't clap to save Tinkerbell. Going anywhere without a notebook and at least two mechanical pencils. Permanently unrequited love.

Status: Flirting with everyone else's boyfriends and drooling over fictional guys!

Anything else: Of course I freelance- what would you like me to write?

Theatrical resume available upon request.

Natasha from Princeton Community Television on Vimeo.

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