Name: Michael C. Thompson
Michael C. Thompson is 25 years old and was born in Cincinnati, OH. He has been previously published in the November 2010 "Gothic" issue of "Collective Fallout" magazine, which featured "Bulletproof Faces." Michael writes primarily speculative fiction.
I like to write speculative fiction which experiments with different influences in my life - I have written high space-drama, down-to-earth epic mysteries, as well as modern-day science fiction involving Greco-Roman gods. I am currently working on many projects, including a gay-themed horror novel entitled "Et en Arcadia Ego" - a Jungian nightmare centering around a post-modern Narcissus.
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Education: Graduated high-school.
Likes: David Bowie, Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, William S. Burroughs, Stephen King, Fringe (TV series), True Blood, ancient mythology, science fiction, and a myriad of other equally alien spirits.
Dislikes: Logic. How useless.
Status: Single, and gay.
Anything else: Hail Eris!
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