John Domenichini

Name: John Domenichini

John Domenichini lives in Silicon Valley in California. His career trajectory has steadily involved more and more writing. In college he majored in Business, Education, and finally Linguistics. He taught English as a second language in the U.S. and Taiwan. In Taiwan, he also worked as a journalist. He’s currently a technical writer who writes fiction when he finds the time. He tries very hard to find the time.

A lot of John’s writing is motivated by prompts provided by a writing group that meets once a week. Also, from time to time, stories pop into his head while he’s doing other things. He enjoys experimenting with different writing styles, genres, etc. However, for the most part, he aims to make his writing accessible to the average person.

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Bartleby Snopes Issue 5.pdf - page 15

Education: M.S. in Linguistics

Likes: People and movies, especially Blade Runner, Unforgiven, and the Reacher franchise, probably, when those movies start coming out.

Dislikes: Mayonnaise
and disliking. He eats very little mayonnaise these days. Sometimes, someone sneaks it on to a sandwich, and then what can you do? Not that there’s no recourse, but he’d prefer not to make a scene. Though he does a fair amount of disliking, he really doesn’t care for it.

Status: Married, two step-children,
 pulse usually just under 60, skill in parallel parking has not diminished over the years. Not as charming as some people, more charming than others. Still right handed. He hoped that he would become left handed slowly and naturally with age, but that hasn’t come to fruition, yet.

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Matt Shaner

Name: Matt Shaner

I am a writer, father, husband, and hopefully soon to be full time English teacher living in the suburbs of Reading, PA. I met my wife in high school and we have a son with a second child arriving in December. I love reading and writing, movies and music, basically anything that can motivate me to create. This month I will start as a student in Fairfield University's MFA program in Creative Writing.

I have twenty-one short stories published online and in print including one selected for anthology. I also have a novel and novella available from Eternal Press. My writing is really a mix of genres. I have a sci fi novel, horror novella, literary fiction novel, and a number of other short stories that are making the rounds to publishers, magazines, and presses to find a home. I hate to hit the old cliche, but I loved reading and writing ever since I was little. In a stressful world it has always served as an escape and I think that every story can teach us something about life and our society. Stephen Gaghan, writer of the movie Traffic, said "all writers have a need to explain themselves to the world." This is my passion and my hope is that one day my son can say he is proud to call his dad a writer.

My blog:
Novel and novella available here:

Recent Short stories here:



Contact Email address:

Twitter: @ShanerMatt, on facebook also

Favorite Authors: Graham Greene, Dennis Lehane, Peter Straub, Don Winslow, Clive Barker, Flannery O'Conner, Shirley Jackson, Sara Gran, Richard Thomas, basically anyone that can hook me on a good story!

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Chris Sharp

NAME: Chris Sharp

BIO: I was born in San Francisco in 1948. So I am at an age where I feel the need to make active defenses for hanging around and getting even older. The main players in my life have been women. In addition to my mother and my wife, they include my daughter and my wonderful previous wives as well as some of my passing acquaintances with some of the great women of the world. Jacqueline Onassis, Catherine Deneuve and Vanessa Redgrave are among those who have somehow been involved with and have inspired my professional writing and journalism. For many years I was a theater critic in New York City as well as once a president of the Drama Desk. I am spending my semi-retirement putting in part-time teaching in Southern California and writing whatever I want. I have many short stories all over the Internet archives, with.perhaps the best ones being found by Googling my name with “short stories.”

WHAT I WRITE: At an early age I was overwhelmed with the sound of Elvis Presley, where he brought into his own musical world the world of Chuck Berry and the African-American popular music of his day. In my own little way I write stories as a form of gratification to the great African-American writing in our time, such as that of Edward P. Jones, August Wilson and Toni Morrison.


LIKES: Edith Wharton, plus the writers named above. Plus so many things on the earth and in the sky I like that I can’t start to list them

HATES: Anything that is promoted as “free.”

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